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  • Writer's pictureAlix Achen

How is the corona virus linked to climate change?

Updated: May 4, 2020

While the whole world is suffering from the pandemic, it seems like nature is recovering.. Satellite images show a sharp drop in air pollution in China, clear canals in Venice and in many places blue skies replaced the pollution clouds. Nonetheless, the economic rebound after the shutdown is very likely to be followed by a dramatic rise in green house gas emissions. On top of that, global efforts to reduce climate change are also being slowed by countries using the pandemic as a reason to postpone or even abandon climate deals. Thus, the climate crisis will inevitably continue once the virus passed but hopefully some environmental benefits will emerge. The "healing" of nature might increase awareness of the human impact on the environment and might lead to a reconsideration of old habits (consumption, travel,..). We are optimistic that this crisis is at least a good reminder of the beauty of mother nature.

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